Realize Your Dreams Gym™
Business, Leadership and Life Mastery
Centre for Transformational Leadership™ . Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence™ . Centre for Personal Excellence™
Mums At Work™ . Centre for Sports Excellence™ . Centre for Coaching Excellence™
Business, Leadership and Life Mastery
Centre for Transformational Leadership™ . Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence™ . Centre for Personal Excellence™
Mums At Work™ . Centre for Sports Excellence™ . Centre for Coaching Excellence™
RYD 360 Degree Feedforward Process
Dear Peaceful Warrior on your Hero's Journey from Good to Great,
I acknowledge you for your commitment and courage to be on the journey to lead yourself and your business from good to great, realize your dreams and have it all by working on all the 3 RYD Growth Levers:
i. Leadership Depth
ii. Craft Mastery
iii. Business Excellence
To grow as a leader requires us to be on an ongoing treasure hunt for our blind spots - our inner barriers that block our growth, barriers which everyone can see but we are blind to it. Therefore, we have no access to dissolve them because we don't even know what our barriers are.
360 Degree Feedforward Process enables us to take support from people in our life to uncover our blind-spots so that we can travel our good to great journey with greater ease, grace and velocity.
Here's how we will play this game:
1. Create a list of people in your Social Atom - people in your life, at work and at home - across the following categories to take support from to give you inputs about you from their perspective:
i. Work - Supervising Leader
ii. Work - Senior
iii. Work - Peer
iv. Work - Direct Team Member
v. Work - Junior
vi. Work - Client
vii. Work - from the Industry
viii. Family
ix. Friends
Here's a 360 Degree Feedforward Status Tracker to support you to manage the process effectively.
I acknowledge you for your commitment and courage to be on the journey to lead yourself and your business from good to great, realize your dreams and have it all by working on all the 3 RYD Growth Levers:
i. Leadership Depth
ii. Craft Mastery
iii. Business Excellence
To grow as a leader requires us to be on an ongoing treasure hunt for our blind spots - our inner barriers that block our growth, barriers which everyone can see but we are blind to it. Therefore, we have no access to dissolve them because we don't even know what our barriers are.
360 Degree Feedforward Process enables us to take support from people in our life to uncover our blind-spots so that we can travel our good to great journey with greater ease, grace and velocity.
Here's how we will play this game:
1. Create a list of people in your Social Atom - people in your life, at work and at home - across the following categories to take support from to give you inputs about you from their perspective:
i. Work - Supervising Leader
ii. Work - Senior
iii. Work - Peer
iv. Work - Direct Team Member
v. Work - Junior
vi. Work - Client
vii. Work - from the Industry
viii. Family
ix. Friends
Here's a 360 Degree Feedforward Status Tracker to support you to manage the process effectively.

ryd_360_degree_feedforward_status_tracker_v1.0.xlsx |
2. Your RYD Coach will support you to build a comprehensive list across the above 9 category of relationships and validate it with your RYD Mentor and your Supervising Leader.
3. Once the list is finalised, personally talk to each person on your list requesting them for their support for your Good to Great journey by giving you inputs through a feedforward form and letting them know you will be emailing the link for the same.
4. After setting the context through a conversation, email your personalised 360 Degree Feedforward tool to each one on your list. Copy your RYD Coach and Supervising Leader on each email, making it a shared request from all of you to those on your list.
Here's a sample message which you may choose to use or modify in a way it resonates with you:
Dear <xyz>,
I have been coaching with <name of your RYD Coach> for the last <x> months, who is helping me become a better version of myself across various aspects of my life.
Requesting for your feedforward inputs to support me on this journey of learning, growth and evolution. Please click the link below to answer few questions. Your perspective is important for me.
Thank you for your support.
I have been coaching with <name of your RYD Coach> for the last <x> months, who is helping me become a better version of myself across various aspects of my life.
Requesting for your feedforward inputs to support me on this journey of learning, growth and evolution. Please click the link below to answer few questions. Your perspective is important for me.
Thank you for your support.
5. Once everyone on your list fills up your feedforward tool, your RYD Mentor will host a deep-dive immersion along with your RYD Coach and your Supervising Leader to support you to see about yourself what you might not have seen before, understand about yourself what you may not have understood before, learn about yourself that you may have not known before so that you can progress on your Good to Great journey to realize your highest potential and make a massive positive impact through your work.
Your RYD Mentor, your RYD Coach and your Supervising Leader together are your personal Board of Advisors committed to support you to lead yourself and your business from good to great, realize your dreams and have it all.
6. As part of the above deep-dive, a clear roadmap would be drawn for your ongoing good to great journey with support from your RYD Mentor, RYD Coach and Supervising Leader.
7. After the feedforward process is completed, reach out to each one on your list to express your gratitude for their time and commitment for your Good to Great journey. Progress on our Good to Great journey is possible only with the willing partnership from people in our life.
The entire process is designed as a playground for you to strengthen your Leadership Depth to have it all, identify focus areas of Craft Mastery for you to make a bigger difference to your customers (internal and external) through your thought leadership and increase the impact of your work by learning and implementing Business Excellence.
The RYD 360 Degree Feedforward is a 1FOR5 process - 1 Action that fulfils 5 Intentions:
1. The RYD Coachee is contributed to as people in their life, at work and at home, take out time from their busy lives to show a mirror to them inside of their commitment to support them on their Good to Great journey.
Seeing the mirror held up by their Social Atom supports the Coachee to see their own blind spots, their invisible inner barriers that block them from learning, growing and evolving to realize their highest potential and become the greatest version of themselves.
2. The RYD Coach is contributed to as they get realtime inputs on how their coachees are playing the game on the playground to lead themselves and their business from good to great, the outcomes they are creating and kind of relationships they are building.
The 360 Degree Feedforward process provides valuable inputs to the Coach to build a pathway to support their coachees to dissolve their invisible inner barriers to joyously lead themselves and their business from good to great, realize their dreams and have it all.
3. The RYD Coach delivers the coaching engagement under the training and supervision of their own Coach - the RYD Mentor. The RYD Mentor leads the 360-Degree Feedforward deep-dive immersion for the Coachee, in partnership with the RYD Coach and the Supervising Leader.
The inputs received from the 360 Degree Feedforward process along with the inputs from the Coach and the Supervising Leader provide a landscape to the RYD Mentor to develop a multi-modality Coaching Strategy across the 3 Growth Levers - Leadership Depth, Craft Mastery and Business Excellence - to support the Coachee to joyously lead themselves and their business from good to great, realize their dreams and have it all with ease and grace; while having lots of fun and adventure along the way.
4. Our Supportees are those in our care. As their Leader, we are privileged to support them to realize their highest potential.
The Supervising Leader gets a deep-dive understanding of their Supportee through this process, enabling the Leader to support their Supportees to realize their highest potential through their work in alignment with shared values, shared purpose and shared BHAG - the glue that holds the organisation together.
5. The intention of the 360 Degree Feedforward process is also to contribute to the people in the lives of the Coachee, who take out time to give thoughtful responses, inside of their commitment to make a difference to the Coachee. The 360 Degree Feedforward Form is designed in a way to awaken people giving inputs to their own Good to Great journey. Answering each question about the Coachee contributes to their own self as well as it evokes an inquiry about their own journey. This is our way of expressing our gratitude for their time and effort to support our Coachee on their Hero's journey.
Keep playing to joyously lead yourself and your business from good to great, realize your dreams and have it all with ease and grace; experiencing beauty, balance and harmony within and all around; while having lots of fun and adventure along the way 💜
Loving you,
Your RYD Mentor, your RYD Coach and your Supervising Leader together are your personal Board of Advisors committed to support you to lead yourself and your business from good to great, realize your dreams and have it all.
6. As part of the above deep-dive, a clear roadmap would be drawn for your ongoing good to great journey with support from your RYD Mentor, RYD Coach and Supervising Leader.
7. After the feedforward process is completed, reach out to each one on your list to express your gratitude for their time and commitment for your Good to Great journey. Progress on our Good to Great journey is possible only with the willing partnership from people in our life.
The entire process is designed as a playground for you to strengthen your Leadership Depth to have it all, identify focus areas of Craft Mastery for you to make a bigger difference to your customers (internal and external) through your thought leadership and increase the impact of your work by learning and implementing Business Excellence.
The RYD 360 Degree Feedforward is a 1FOR5 process - 1 Action that fulfils 5 Intentions:
1. The RYD Coachee is contributed to as people in their life, at work and at home, take out time from their busy lives to show a mirror to them inside of their commitment to support them on their Good to Great journey.
Seeing the mirror held up by their Social Atom supports the Coachee to see their own blind spots, their invisible inner barriers that block them from learning, growing and evolving to realize their highest potential and become the greatest version of themselves.
2. The RYD Coach is contributed to as they get realtime inputs on how their coachees are playing the game on the playground to lead themselves and their business from good to great, the outcomes they are creating and kind of relationships they are building.
The 360 Degree Feedforward process provides valuable inputs to the Coach to build a pathway to support their coachees to dissolve their invisible inner barriers to joyously lead themselves and their business from good to great, realize their dreams and have it all.
3. The RYD Coach delivers the coaching engagement under the training and supervision of their own Coach - the RYD Mentor. The RYD Mentor leads the 360-Degree Feedforward deep-dive immersion for the Coachee, in partnership with the RYD Coach and the Supervising Leader.
The inputs received from the 360 Degree Feedforward process along with the inputs from the Coach and the Supervising Leader provide a landscape to the RYD Mentor to develop a multi-modality Coaching Strategy across the 3 Growth Levers - Leadership Depth, Craft Mastery and Business Excellence - to support the Coachee to joyously lead themselves and their business from good to great, realize their dreams and have it all with ease and grace; while having lots of fun and adventure along the way.
4. Our Supportees are those in our care. As their Leader, we are privileged to support them to realize their highest potential.
The Supervising Leader gets a deep-dive understanding of their Supportee through this process, enabling the Leader to support their Supportees to realize their highest potential through their work in alignment with shared values, shared purpose and shared BHAG - the glue that holds the organisation together.
5. The intention of the 360 Degree Feedforward process is also to contribute to the people in the lives of the Coachee, who take out time to give thoughtful responses, inside of their commitment to make a difference to the Coachee. The 360 Degree Feedforward Form is designed in a way to awaken people giving inputs to their own Good to Great journey. Answering each question about the Coachee contributes to their own self as well as it evokes an inquiry about their own journey. This is our way of expressing our gratitude for their time and effort to support our Coachee on their Hero's journey.
Keep playing to joyously lead yourself and your business from good to great, realize your dreams and have it all with ease and grace; experiencing beauty, balance and harmony within and all around; while having lots of fun and adventure along the way 💜
Loving you,