AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
Follow your dreams and the world will follow you. Follow the world and you will be alone wondering what to do. Live your purpose and wealth will find you. Chase wealth and the wealth you collect will become meaningless too. Let me tell you a secret - to find your purpose, there's a simple way. Give to others what you want and what you want will become effortlessly yours without delay. On this journey, you will find your highest self and live in the experience of your own light. If we are not on this journey, life becomes just one big fight. On this journey, you will learn to love yourself and all in your space. You will learn to let your heart beat in gratitude and reverence for everyone and everything with joyous grace. You will honour your word as your life. Mastery will be yours without a strife. My wishes for you to realize your greatest dreams in deepest communion with your highest self; so that in your own eyes, you stand tall. Then, what will exist in this world is joyous love, peaceful compassion and prosperity for you and for all. Love, Jyoti. PS: We are evolving to the next level of what it means to be a human being. Listen to Mark Zuckerberg to experience the joy of being part of this grand evolution.
Its simpler, less stressful and more return on hours invested to run a professionally managed large organization, than to run a small or a medium-sized business. Inspite of this, nearly all small and medium-sized business owners choose to remain small, consciously or unconsciously. Here's why: 1. The purpose is missing. 2. The business reflects the limitations of the business owner's personality. 3. The business owner is too busy working in the business than on the business. The Purpose is Missing Being an entrepreneur is not about money, or fame. Its about solving problems for the society and the passion of creating opportunities where people only see problems. - Steve Jobs. Co-Founder, Apple. Net worth in 2011 at the time of his death: USD 10.2 Billion. Being purpose driven provides a company the competitive edge, staff confidence and strong innovation. Recent research at Harvard shows that companies with a ‘higher purpose’ are more than three times as likely to retain their employees. Deloitte found that companies with a strong sense of purpose were almost twice as likely to be confident about business growth in both the short and long term. - Richard Branson. Founder, Virgin Group through which he started and controls more than 400 companies. Net worth: USD 5.1 Billion. Most businesses are started with the objective of making the founder financially free. Though this is a sound objective, it doesn't have the horse-power to lead the founder too far. As long as the passion is more for making money than for making a difference through solving a problem; the business meanders along the path of mediocrity without any definite direction. Business is a beautiful opportunity to live your purpose of life. Most business owners are not aware of their purpose of life, leave alone have that be connected to the business that they run. As long as that disconnect remains; the businesses that they run will never deeply fulfil them nor create unimaginable wealth. The business owner will continue to dance to the tune of mediocrity, chasing their customers rather than experience the joy of customers chasing them. The Business Reflects the Limitations of the Business Owner's Personality Ask yourself: What are your strengths? What makes you different from everyone else? What are you terrible at? This introspection is important because it will offer an almost exact preview of how your company will operate down the line. Founders have demonstrated time and time again that the essence of your grown-up company is going to reflect your own key traits. - Inc. (US Business Magazine) This makes the business owners the biggest barrier to their own business' growth. Most of the time, the business owners are so busy being busy, rushing around, doing ten things at a time that there is no time for self-reflection to discover their own blind spots, their own limitations that impede the success of their business. There is no understanding of the importance of focusing on their leadership depth, which is the biggest block holding their business back. The business will scale to the extent the business owner scales up as a leader. Some of the leadership skills that the business owners need to learn to grow their businesses with greater velocity - self-awareness of their limitations / blind spots and courage to go beyond; emotional intelligence to increase performance and productivity in the organization, starting with one's own self; effective delegation; creating a learning organization to provide thought leadership transforming the industry itself and inside of that the community that it is a part of; creating an organizational culture of personal accountability and excellence; creating a blue ocean to be a monopoly, leaving the competition far behind to fight bloody wars in the red ocean; inspiring (not motivating) employees, customers, suppliers and other stake-holders through leading, coaching and nurturing to give not only their mind but their hearts and souls to the Higher Purpose of the organization for the organization to cut-over from good to great. The Business Owner is too Busy Working in the Business than on the Business If you are a part of the painting, how can you see the whole picture to figure out if it is what you wanted in the first place or if the painting needs to look different? You need to step out of the painting to become the painter. If you are engaged in operations day-in day-out; fire-fighting all the time; you won't have the clarity and the big-picture understanding to lead your business to greater heights of success and profitability. To be able to manage this transition, you will have to unlearn a lot of old habits and learn new ones which require you to keep stepping out of your comfort zone. To begin the journey to work on the business, 1. The first thing you want to do is set the Standards for everything because you don't want your business to buckle down as soon as you begin to step away. 2. The second step is to define, plan and implement the Standards through Systems, Procedures and Tools. 3. The next step is to Hire Right - giving greater importance to the mindset than the skillset because it is easier to coach people on skills than on the right mindset. 4. Train, train and train. Remember if there is a problem, it is always because either the process isn't there, or isn't implemented correctly or people are not trained to effectively follow through. Getting upset and angry is the shortest route to cutting out your connection to innovation and process excellence. 5. Delegation not by running away from what you don't want to do but by careful planning, coaching and measures based review to support your people to be successful in whatever task you delegate them with; which means they actually do the job better than you. In Conclusion Just as our responsibility to our infant is to support her growth till she stands independently on her own feet; it is our responsibility to support the growth of our business till it grows to become an extraordinary business, running independently of us. Any limitation that we place on business growth is more a function of our own personal limitations than anything else. To ensure business growth; 1. The business owner would begin with a deeper understanding of his own higher purpose and have that be lived through his business; so that his people have the experience of building a cathedral rather than merely cutting stones. 2. Be passionate about the personal transformation that the journey of leading your organization from good to great will require by nourishing, growing and transforming all the four bodies that we human beings possess - intellectual / mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. 3. Be clear right in the beginning about the intent to lead the business to greatness; and move towards working on the business than in the business at the right time. If you follow the right approach and methodology, you will own not just one small struggling organization but many great organizations growing with velocity. Wishing you many deeply fulfilling, successful, profitable, purpose-driven businesses that transform you and the world around you. Love, Jyoti. There are essentially three reasons why intentions remain on paper. Instead of exploring that, most of us become cynical as we grow older and resign ourselves to the lie that we have to prioritize and compromise, that we cannot have it all. Here are the three reasons: 1. Our intentions are actually only words. Most of us don't have a powerful relationship with our word, which requires us to honour every word (promise) that we have given to ourselves and others. Most times, we say - 'Be there in 5 minutes with you,' and don't even bother to see at what minute the 5 minutes started. We set the alarm clock for 6 am, and then put it on snooze to sleep for another 15 minutes. If our word has no meaning for us, our brain gets trained to relate to our word as meaningless. Since our intentions and dreams are also just words, promises to ourselves; the brain is not trained to take them seriously. And, intentions and dreams never move into the physical plane because our engine was not fired to take action with the brain trained to put the snooze button to let the body sleep for some more time. Imagine our Power to Create™ as a bucket full of power. Everytime we break our word (promise) whether to ourselves or the word that we gave to others, the bucket gets a hole and the power begins to leak out. With every word that we break, a new hole develops. By the time we are adults, our bucket becomes empty and we live our lives fighting to make things happen rather than effortlessly creating to fulfil our intentions. If you want to realize your greatest dreams and fulfill 100% of your intentions in all areas of your life (deeply fulfilling successful career, joyful relationships, happy responsible kids, lots of nourishing me-time, making a difference) with velocity, drop the habit of disrespecting your word; and give power to your word by honouring each word that comes out of your mouth. 2. 100% intentions in all areas of our life can only be fulfilled with willing partnership from others. There is not one intention that can be fulfilled without partnership with people around us. If we don't have the Leadership Depth to have people experience their greatness, their light in our space; people are unlikely to be inspired to put themselves in discomfort to support us to fulfil our intentions. 3. Our intentions remain in our heads as desires. We don't strengthen our desires with commitment to nurture them to become intentions. Only intentions can be fulfilled, desires are not designed to be realized. Desire + Commitment = Intention Intention + Being in Action, irrespective of the chaos inside or outside = Intention Fulfilled The above is the science of making your intentions come true. As in everything, you need both the art and the science to make anything happen. The art is for your Being to be sourced in love. Fear is an absence of love. If your being is not sourced in love for your own self, love for each and everyone else in your space, love for each and everything in your space; you are filled with fear and cannot access your Power to Create™. You may say, I know no fear. I will say, stop being busy being busy and sit in stillness to get present to your fears. If you are a human being, you will have fears because our physical evolution was an outcome of the Survival of the Fittest and Survival instinct is rooted in Fear. Now, Fear is a vestigial organ for which we have no use. For our evolution to the next stage of who we are as human beings, we would need to be sourced in Love. That is when we will fulfil 100% of our intentions in all areas of our life and realize our greatest dreams in deepest communion with our highest self with velocity. Sure, it is a difficult journey to reach there and it is easier to be cynical and resigned. It is essentially a choice of how we want to live life: 1. Unconsciously, shutting ourselves from the experience of oneness with the Universe and with everyone else, fighting the world and life itself to get what we want. Or, 2. Mindful Creation, experiencing Mastery of Life; effortlessly, joyously creating and fulfilling our purpose of life. Wishing you the joy and exhilaration of fulfilling 100% of your intentions with velocity. Love and Reverence for who you are as a human being and Gratitude for the difference you are making through the work you do, Jyoti. We surveyed more than 3,200 employees in 17 organizations spanning seven industries: biopharmaceutical, engineering, financial services, higher education, public utilities, real estate, and travel. In organizations where employees felt and expressed companionate love toward one another; people reported greater job satisfaction, commitment, and personal accountability for work performance. - From an article published in Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 2016 by Sigal Barsade, Professor of Management, Wharton; Olivia A. O’Neill, Assistant Professor of Management, George Mason University To cut-over to greatness, organizations need to train their leaders on three critical skills. Infact, these three critical skills are also needed to be able to perform a role of a great parent. You cannot fulfil 100% of your intentions and realize your greatest dreams in deepest communion with your highest self, if you haven't trained yourself on these three fundamental skills which unfortunately are neither taught in schools, nor colleges, not even in the organizations where there's a continual search for ways to increase performance & productivity. These 3 skills are: 1. Nurturing Skills: Give your unconditional love and acceptance to your people. This is what Sigal and Olivia above discovered in their extensive research. What it means is that a Leader needs to learn to be a parent to their people, and have people experience being nurtured. 2. Coaching Skills: Support your people to realize their greatest dreams in deepest communion with their highest self. This is when your people will give their lives to you. Performance and productivity is highest when people work with their heart, not just with their mind; and have childlike trust & faith in their leader's commitment for them. 3. Leadership Skills: I mean being a Leader in the New Model of Leadership where the Leader does 10X of what he asks his team to do, is an inspirational role-model and not a motivational speaker. Charisma is of no value, just as Jim Collins found. Motivation is being pushed from the outside, inspiration is when it comes from the inside. Real leaders inspire by their example, by being the highest expression of what they want their team to be. The above skills require a fundamental shift in the Being of the Human Being, and that cannot be achieved in the current model of Leadership. What is really needed is evolution, now no longer on the physical plane; but on the mental, emotional and spiritual planes to transform what it means to be a human being. The current model of Leadership creates High Performers, who actually use a very limited capacity of what's really available to them to create results. In my blog yesterday, I distinguished between High Performers and Super Performers. If you are seeking Super Performance, you need to cut-over to the new model of Leadership which is where the performance barrier is broken. Sure; we can choose to live with dog-eat-dog competitiveness, resignation, cynicism, rat-race culture, people cutting stone uninspired by what they are doing, merely coming to work to get that salary at the end of the month, no purpose, no passion, just zombies staring at their screens or attending meetings. There cannot be breakthrough performance here. And yet, we can choose something else - Monday morning excitement to come to work; people discovering to live their purpose through the work they do and working with joyful passion; relating to each other as extra-ordinary and with love, gratitude, reverence; every act done with mastery consciousness not for a positive appraisal but because it deeply fulfils people to do it that way; integrity expressed as being on time everytime, doing what is said by the time it is said not because boss or customer is chasing but because honouring one's word is the only way to live; having it all - deeply fulfilling successful career, joyful relationships, happy responsible kids and lots of nourishing me-time while making a huge difference to the world. Yes, this is in the domain of possibility. All you need is to leave your resignation and cynicism outside the door; and believe. Inside of that belief, you will get the Power to Create™ a brave new world. The time has come. Love, Jyoti. First things first, each one of us has the seed to be a High Performer. Some nurture that seed and bloom in the shade of the tree, that grows with the velocity with which the person is being in action. The being in action is what creates a High Performer, which subsequently becomes a habit. Below in the pecking order is a No Performer, who unconsciously makes the choice to live unconsciously; even unconscious of their own inherent Power to Create™, living life as victims of their circumstances, constantly complaining about life and about people around them without realising that the reality outside merely reflects their inner Reality. Right on top are the Super Performers who effortlessly create breakthrough results, are in the flow, at the top of their game with deeply fulfilling career giving them the gift of financial freedom, loving harmonious relationships at work and at home, happy responsible kids with their genius joyfully expressed and lots of nourishing nurturing me-time; living purposefully, making a huge difference to the world through the work they do. There is mastery of life itself. They set powerful intentions for their life and have impossible, unimaginable dreams to lead them forward to their highest self. They fulfil their intentions and realise their dreams with refreshing, rejuvenating, joyous energy. High Performers are cynical about having it all and they are cynical about dreams. They work hard and create success at the cost of everything else. They create success; yet, it doesn’t fulfil. Their bank accounts are full; yet their hearts are empty. The very same thing that helped them reach the pinnacle of success in the first place blocks them from moving forward and that's the time the mid-life crisis kicks in. Many buckle down to the pressures of keeping the lifestyle and carry on stuffing their emotions, that they are scared of, under the carpet; killing their spirit along the way. That causes dis-ease in their physical bodies, which is a tell-tale sign that all is not well inside. The reason High Performers don't recognise that they are dancing on the road of mediocrity is because even by operating at lower than their peak, they are able to create powerful results. If you are a High Performer, imagine what magic you would be creating if your performance and productivity was 100 times more than what it is right now. At any point, there are 15 million bits of information available for us to process. The Conscious Mind has the capacity to process only 15 bits of information at any point. The High Performer relies only on the Conscious Mind, and therefore beyond a point is limited. While the Super Performer leverages all three components - the Conscious Mind, the Sub-Conscious Mind and the Super-Conscious Mind. Humans are constituted of 4 bodies - Physical Body, Mental Body, Emotional Body and Spiritual Body. The High Performers primarily depends upon the Mental and Physical Bodies to fulfil on their intentions, while the Super Performers use all their 4 engines to powerfully accelerate forward to fulfil 100% of their intentions and realise their greatest dreams in deepest communion with their highest self. High Performers are resigned and cynical about their own greatness, and therefore, about the greatness of others. They are unable to see their own inner Light struggling to break free and shine brightly to light up the world. Therefore, they are limited in experiencing the Light in others; and limited in coaching their people and their kids to see their own inner Light. Super Performers live life with a childlike trust and faith, flow effortlessly along the river of life, shining the world brightly with the intensity of their inner Light. High Performers are critical of others and sadly, much more critical of themselves. Super Performers act from a place of loving kindness with others and with themselves. Super Performers uplift others with their loving kindness, enthusiasm, passion, energy, optimism & joy. High Performers are fighters, they fight their circumstances and people around them to get the results they want. Super Performers are Peaceful Warriors who fight the battles on the inside, pulling people into their peace instead of being pulled into their chaos. High Performers control their life. Super Performers surrender themselves to live in deep harmony with the Universal Consciousness. The pathway of evolution and transformation is to move forward from being a No Performer to a High Performer to, finally, being a Super Performer. Wishing that you move rapidly from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence to conscious competence to, finally, unconscious competence about existence itself to live your destiny to make a dent in the Universe and leave footprints in the sand of time by realising your greatest dreams in deepest communion with your highest self and have it all. Its time to transform what it means to be a human being and move forward in our evolution by each one of us elevating our consciousness to cut-over from the Stress of High Performance to the Grace of Super Performance. Love, Jyoti. Even before going ahead with answering that question; let's ask another question. Why climb the steep mountain of mastery, why not simply chug along having fun? Because the first leads to joy and fulfilment; and the second path ultimately leads to purposelessness, emptiness and mediocrity. Another word for where the second path leads to is the mid-life crisis, which is nothing but the call of the Universe reminding you to walk towards your highest purpose. Read on, only if you choose mastery over mediocrity, purpose over a wasted lifetime, joy over intermittent excitement. As per William Glasser, American psychiatrist - We Learn: 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see 50% of what we see and hear 70% of what we discuss 80% of what we experience 95% of what we teach others. To get what we want, we need to learn and understand it really well. For that, as per the above, we need to teach it to others. That is why I teach others how to realize their greatest dreams in deepest communion with their highest self and have it all; because I figured that is the only way I could create it for myself. Therefore, the key to getting what you want is to give it to others. Newton said it too, in what we call his third law - Every action has equal and opposite reaction. If you want to be a master of your field, make others experts of your domain. The journey to being a Master of your Craft has five stages: 1. Amateur: This is the stage of Passive Learning, when you learn on your own through reading works of masters in the field, training yourself through material available in the public domain. 2. Professional: This is the stage of Active Learning, when you implement whatever you are learning to make a difference to your chosen target community. 3. Expert: You become an Expert by learning through Apprenticeship, when you learn directly from an existing Master of your Craft. 4. Mentor: You become a mentor when you coach others to become Experts in your domain. 5. Master: You finally become a Master when you coach other coaches to coach others to become Experts in your domain. This is when you go inside your craft and become it. Its like St Francis of Assisi said - It's in giving that we receive. Mastery is achieved by giving away all that you have learnt. The Conscious Mind is able to process only about 15 bits of information from the available 15 million bits of information at any one point. For mastery, one needs to go deeper to be able to access, assimilate, integrate, create much more than the conscious mind is capable of doing. The journey to mastery takes you from your Conscious Mind; to being aware of your self-created barriers sitting in the Sub-Conscious Mind; healing yourself for release and freedom from those barriers; to finally transitioning to the Super-Conscious Mind which is your doorway to the Universal Consciousness where all the secrets are hidden. All Masters feel a deep connection with the Universe, God or any other name you may want to give to the essence of The Absolute. Ramanujan saw God in numbers. Einstein wrote “To sense that behind everything that can be experienced there is something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly." and furthermore, "Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe—a Spirit vastly superior to that of man." As per Henry Ford, America's most well-known businessman whose work transformed how humanity travels, "With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about." In the end; Craft Mastery, Leadership Depth, Business Excellence all lead to the same spot which is your highest self living in the expression of your purpose this lifetime, making a huge difference to the world through what you do. Wishing you courage, clarity and confidence to follow your heart to realize your greatest dreams in deepest communion with your highest self and have it all - deeply fulfilling successful career, joyful relationships, happy responsible kids and lots of nourishing me-time; while transforming the world through your craft, your life, your game. Love, Jyoti. Wealth creation is actually very simple and that is why most people don't get it. The more you learn, the more you earn. The reason nearly everyone struggles to increase prosperity is because they are busy running around chasing money rather than learning something new about their field.
I quit my corporate career to start my coaching business seven years ago with a minimal viable product of Rs 600/- Today, I serve my clients with a product 4500 times that amount. I owe this completely to exclusive focus on training & developing myself on a daily basis. Of course, there is a catch as there always is. The catch is what you learn must be to make a difference to others; and not for your own self-gratification or for certification to give you credibility to get the customer to sign on the dotted line. Ultimately, it's not networking, it's not a jazzy website or snazzy posts on social media, it's not even impressive elevator pitches or your carefully cultivated personal brand that increases your revenue or profitability. All that matters is are you playing to be the world's best by learning, evolving and growing your own self in order to contribute to your target community. Wishing you the joy of accelerated learning and deep fulfilment of having made a difference. Surprisingly, wealth creation becomes an effortless by-product of that. Love, Jyoti. |
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