AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
My clients have created powerful outcomes using this process for fulfilling their intentions with velocity - from doubling their business growth, to transforming ineffective staff at work for enhanced organizational performance and profitability, to healing their troubled relationships at work and at home, to running in marathons, to writing their book and publishing it, to re-connecting with their children, to channeling their passion into successful businesses, to finding purpose and fulfilment through their work, to re-discovering the joy of being alive, to heal the dis-ease in their bodies to restore perfect health and well-being, to creating outcomes that seemed impossible before. The process of fulfilling your intentions with velocity is cyclical with 5 distinct steps: 1. Declaring Your Intention Declare your intention in a way that touches, moves and inspires you. Write it in the form of a gratitude; in the present tense using visual language so that you can viscerally experience the joy & gratitude, right now, for having accomplished it. Do a Daily Visualization Meditation for 5 minutes - visualizing and experiencing the joyous fulfilment of your intention. The science behind this is that at low energy states, our mind shuts down and has no access to creativity & innovation. As long as for the mind, I am here and my goal out there, my mind will experience lack at not having what I am seeking. This is the Energy of Striving which results in stress and fatigue. This meditation helps you to shift to the Energy of Arriving where goals and intentions are a place to come from; not a place to go to. If there is yearning in your heart for the desired outcome, know your Being is not in a powerful state to create the fulfilment of your intention. This is such a paradox. When you desperately want something, it is because you are linking the achievement of it to your identity. It becomes an Identity Goal and not fulfilling it only crushes your identity, which results in a loss of your personal power. The reason great success is denied to many of us is because we believe that failure is the opposite of success. The reality is that failures are milestones on the way to success. The only way learning truly happens is through failing. We iterate our way forward by learning through failures along the way. Deny yourself the opportunity to fail gloriously multiple times and you end up with mediocre success, not with success of the highest type. We lose so much energy in the world, when we believe that failure and success are opposites. Opposite of Success is not Failure but Emptiness. The way to reach success is to grow continuously by being in action to go beyond who we are as a human being, by doing whatever makes us uncomfortable, by having all the uncomfortable conversations, by making ourselves comfortable with failures. If a plant is not growing, it is dead. So, it is with human beings. If we are not growing, we are dead. We maybe breathing and eating; but we really are a zombie living in a daze, from moment to moment. If you want to grow; then the only path available is fail, fail,....., succeed, fail, fail,....., succeed, fail, fail,..... If this is the cycle of growth, then why live in the fear of failure, of hearing NOs from people. It is because we were taught to when we were little kids and that's what we are teaching our little kids. Did you ever give a chocolate to your kid for getting zero marks in Maths? And, when she came first in her class, you celebrated it. This behaviour just taught her that failure is a bad thing. Sara Blakely, USA's youngest self-made woman billionaire in the world said that what supported her the most in her journey to amazing success was her father's ritual of high-fiving her everytime she failed and not really make a big deal about the As she got. 2. Three Tests of Belief Become centred by closing your eyes and taking three deep breaths with mindful awareness. As you turn inwards, get present to a. whether you have the belief that you have the power to fulfil your intention, b. whether you have the belief that people in your life are supporting you to fulfil your intention, c. whether you have the belief that the Universe is supporting you to fulfil your intention. If any of the above 3 Beliefs is missing; you will find it difficult to take powerful, effective, consistent action to fulfil on your intention. If you find one or more of the above beliefs are missing, you can make a conscious CHOICE to BELIEVE. The reason the above beliefs are important is because a missing belief indicates a hidden fear. When you give yourself the permission to acknowledge and embrace your fear to make the choice to believe, your mind opens up to think of powerful and effective actions to fulfil your intention with velocity. 3. Create a Powerful Structure of Success Do some mindful exercises to feel centred and grounded. And, in that space, allow your creativity and innovation to lead you to write a powerful structure of success; which would include actions by specific dates (milestones) and daily / weekly process goals to ensure fulfilment of your intention, which is really your outcome goal. 4. Being in Action The next step is to take action as per our Structure of Success, irrespective of the chaos inside or outside because it is the word we have given to ourselves. The value of an intention or outcome goal is only in helping us decide the path (the structure of success) to fulfil it. Intention in the future but attention always in the present moment, being in action. 5. High Energy State Make the choice to be happy, fulfilled and grateful, irrespective of the outcome. Success is a definite outcome of being happy, fulfilled and grateful; moment by moment. Being happy, fulfilled and grateful is not necessarily the outcome of being successful. If my intention is getting fulfilled, it is great and if my intention is not getting fulfilled, it is even better because then the Universe's intention is getting fulfilled. Having this childlike trust and faith in the Universe suddenly releases you from all stress and pressure; which is your gateway to performance, productivity, creativity and innovation. Use this or any other process to shift the energy state to joy & gratitude because the mind shuts down in low energy state cutting us off from creativity & innovation. Continue the Cycle Go back to Step 1 to strengthen the Intention, Belief, review & update the Structure of Success based on your learnings along the way, be in action and consciously shift the energy to that of joy & gratitude. Fulfilling your intentions this way becomes a joyous, deeply fulfilling journey. Wishing you deep connection with your inner wisdom to give you the energy and strength to fulfil all your intentions and realize all your dreams with velocity. Love, Jyoti.
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Asifa is the effect. Effect of us (women) having to seek justice rather than have the power to create a just society, where people relate to each other with compassionate love and reverence. Effect of us choosing to play small by not investing in our Leadership Depth to have it all - deeply fulfilling successful careers living in the expression of our genius AND raising happy responsible kids joyously living out their genius. Effect of us not choosing to be powerful role models and influencers by being masters of our craft, thought leaders of our industry by believing the lie that we can either raise happy children or build great careers. Effect of us not having the Leadership Depth to become CEOs and Board Members of our organizations; and creating a new Leadership Model that allows us to also be fully available to our children to nurture them to be extraordinary leaders. Asifa lived and died to wake up our consciousness of how we, her sisterhood, have not created the world for her to experience the joy of learning, growing and evolving by going to a world class school and university in her village; and experiencing the courage, confidence and self-belief to raise a happy family along with building a business that leads the world forward. That is the future we have denied her and deny it to many others by not living in the expression our greatness and instead, choosing to live small lives. Transformation is never brought about by pointing fingers at the others but by looking in the mirror. We will cause the transformation we are seeking by stopping to look at what the other gender is doing, not doing, should do, should not do. Whether they evolve, not evolve, the speed at which they evolve is their business; not ours. Our business is to work on our own selves and become the Leaders to create the world that we want. Not in anger, upset, sadness because that shuts down the brain; shuts off our access to productivity, performance, creativity and innovation; but by transmuting those limiting emotions to love, gratitude, reverence, integrity and mastery; and creating a Brave New World. That's what our daughters and our sons are depending on us for because when Asifa happens, every being suffers. You want to avenge Asifa? Fall into forgiveness and connect to the Love that connects all beings and grow your Leadership Depth to have it all - a deeply fulfilling successful career, loving harmonious relationships, happy responsible kids and lots of nourishing nurturing me-time so that you have the influence and power to create a world where Asifa is in the history books as the source of revolution that swept the world to transform what it means to be a woman and what it means to be a human being; creating a world where each one realizes their greatest dreams in deepest communion with their highest self; experiencing love, abundance, prosperity, success, peace, fulfilment, freedom and joy. Love, Jyoti. Turnarounds give you an access of turning around your problems into creative solutions that place the power to create in your hand; and expand your and your team's performance & effectiveness. Here's how you work with them though you need to be ready to become bigger than who you are to really open yourself to their power. Step 1: Identify your biggest problem at workplace. Let's say - Your team performance is impacted because Jack is not a team player. Step 2: Ask yourself - Is it true? Is it really true? Give yourself the permission to fall into vulnerable authenticity. Step 3: Ask yourself - How do I react when I believe the thought - 'The team performance is impacted because Jack is not a team player.' How do I react mentally, emotionally, physically when I believe this thought? Step 4: Ask yourself - What would be available to me, who would I be if I did not have the capacity to believe this thought, if I did not have the capacity to even think this thought? Is there even one reason to drop this thought, not that you have to? Is there any stress-free reason to hold on to this thought? Step 5: Ask yourself - What turnaround thoughts are just as true or maybe even more true than the original thought? Consider the following: a. The team performance is not impacted because Jack is not a team player. b. The team performance is impacted because I am not a team player. c. The team performance is impacted because my thinking is not a team player. d. The team performance is not impacted because I am willing to let Jack not be a team player. e. The team performance is not impacted because I look forward to Jack not being a team player as it gives me an opportunity to grow as a leader. Which of the above turnaround thoughts move you into freedom, remove the stress from your mind, the tightness from your body? The ability to turn-around and look at the mirror for the source of what all is not working out there requires Agility of Mind™, which is the first Gear of Leadership. You can lead your organization from good to great, just that it needs you to be willing to lead yourself from good to great. The outside always reflects the inside. Refer to Byron Katie's Loving What Is and work with your coach to discover your blind-spots. Blind spots are limiting ways of being that you are blind to (unaware of), which keep you disconnected from your inherent genius; your inner source of limitless performance, productivity, creativity and innovation. The only time I won't have blind spots is the day I am being burnt on the funeral pyre or getting buried under the ground because living is about growing and growth happens only when you are discovering your blind spots. Love, Jyoti. |
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