AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
Life is about growth. There are only 2 ways to grow - either through pain or through insight. As we go through life, we will experience pain of loss at work, in relationships, of sickness. Each pain is an indicator for causing a shift on the inside. If we are wise enough to understand the shift which Life is pointing towards, we grow and expand as humans beings; creating greater joy, abundance and fulfilment than before. If we ignore that shift, we continue to drag our feet along with emptiness and pain in our heart, mind, body and spirit. There's another way to live which is more joyous, without having to go through painful experiences to grow - that is through insights. Insight is a new way of understanding ourselves, others and Life itself; which causes the shift on the inside and gives us access to intuitive understanding of the underlying truth and as a result of that, a whole set of new actions not available to us before. The new actions create a whole new reality, leading us forward to our highest intentions. To walk the path of insights; we need to embrace personal growth, on an ongoing basis, through reading books, participating in personal growth programs, seminars and retreats that support us to discover our blind spots and grow across all the four bodies of our Being - physical, mental / intellectual, emotional and spiritual. The journey of Life is the journey to our highest self. We may choose to deny it. Or, walk on that path slowly through pain & struggle. Or, joyously walk along looking out for insights, growing consciously and in full awareness, without resisting the flow of life; instead of being forced to grow. The choice is always ours. Love, Jyoti. PS: Hat Tip to Vishen Lakhiani, Founder, Mindvalley for sharing the distinction on Kensho (Growth by Pain) vs Satori (Growth through Insights).
Discover the inner power to realize your greatest dreams in deepest communion with your highest self, lead your business from good to great, increase your impact in the world and have it all - deeply fulfilling successful career, loving harmonious relationships at work and at home, happy responsible kids with their genius joyfully expressed, while making a difference in the world. Wishing you the joy of the journey. Love, Jyoti. The purpose of meditation and all spiritual practises is to have a visceral experience of love and reverence for oneself and for all beings. How do you define love? It is: 1. when you are able to unconditionally accept the other and relate to them as perfect, however they are and however they are not, whatever they do and whatever they don't do; 2. place their interests ahead of yours; and 3. have a relationship of equals. We are equals instead of I am better than you (I am more capable than you / I know more than you / I am more evolved than you / I am older than you / I am more experienced than you / I am in a senior position than you / I am wealthier than you / I am more powerful than you / I earn more than you etc.) or the other way around. Therefore, to have a visceral experience of love; what one needs to do is to make the choice to love, moment by moment. Spiritual practises support us by strengthening our Agility of Mind™ leadership muscle to be able to make this choice powerfully. Doing all the practises as the end itself and feeling pleased with oneself for that is nothing but spiritual arrogance. In the first Gear of Leadership, we strengthen our Agility of Mind leadership muscle which supports us to make a conscious choice to believe and to think, speak, do standing in these beliefs: 1. I am responsible for all that happens in my space. 2. I am extraordinary and I love myself. Being able to make the choice to be happy, fulfilled and grateful; irrespective of situations and other people. 3. Recognize and experience 360 degree view of any reality. Standing in a place where your Point of View is just as valid as my Point of View. 4. Being able to recognize our own upsets and have the agility of mind to drop them. Being able to recognize our small mind (ego at play) and have the agility of mind to shift it to our Big Mind (our commitment to our highest self). 5. Recognize that all complaints are the small mind in disguise and being able to use our agility of mind to see the positive aspects instead of giving in to complaining. By actively working on recognizing and dropping Limiting Habits in all the four bodies of our Being - Mental / Intellectual, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual; and replacing them with Growth Habits; we effectively move from Gear 0 to Gear 1 of Leadership. This supports us to have an authentic experience of love for our own self; unconditionally accept ourselves the way we are and the way we are not; and relate to ourselves as perfect, irrespective of whatever we have and whatever we don't have. At this point in our leadership evolution, inner applause becomes so much more gratifying and fulfilling that we forever give up seeking external appreciation and approval. In this gear, we give ourselves the permission to drop all our masks and stand tall in vulnerable authenticity. We are at ease with who we are, we have nothing to hide, nothing to prove, nowhere to go. In Gear 2 of Leadership evolution, we strengthen Being of Service™ leadership muscle by continuing to work at the level of habits across the 4 bodies of our Being. In this Gear, we have a visceral experience of Gratitude; gratitude for whatever there is and whatever there isn't. We have transmuted our default evolutionary survival instinct and are able to effortlessly place others' interests ahead of ourselves. We become a truly giving person, not only at an intellectual and physical level; but also at an emotional and spiritual level. We give not to earn, but to serve. We give not to seek approval and appreciation; but to make a difference. Our Being shifts irreversibly creating a whole new reality not available to us before. We finally understand how it is in giving, that we receive; how it is in forgiving that we are forgiven. We understand only when we forgive those who have violated our space, that we are able to forgive ourselves for experiencing the violation. In the second Gear of Leadership, we strengthen our Being of Service™ leadership muscle which supports us to make a conscious choice to believe and to think, speak, do standing in these beliefs: 1. Contributing to someone (through our time, attention, resources), without expecting anything in return. 2. Giving our time to someone else, without expecting anything in return. Volunteering for some cause, without expecting anything in return. 3. Love and gratitude for everyone and everything. 4. Doing acts of kindness for others as an expression of love and not for appreciation. 5. Experiencing 'You are extraordinary and I love you'; even if there is harm done to us by the other. Continuing this journey to realize our greatest dreams in deepest communion with our highest self and having it all - deeply fulfilling successful career, loving harmonious relationships at work and at home, happy responsible kids with their genius joyfully expressed, lots of nurturing nourishing me-time, while making a huge difference in the world; we move into the third gear of Leadership. In this gear, we strengthen our Communicating while Being in the World of Others™ leadership muscle by continuing our work at the level of habits across the 4 bodies of our Being and have a visceral experience of Reverence for ourselves, for all beings and for all things. In the third Gear of Leadership, we strengthen our Communicating while Being in the World of Others™ leadership muscle which supports us to make a conscious choice to believe and to think, speak, do standing in these beliefs: 1. Being interested instead of being interesting. Listening fully without the urge to get listening. 2. Communicating only from our Big Mind (our commitment to our highest self), consciously chanting it each time before we talk to remind ourselves of what our commitment is so that every word is spoken consciously from that commitment. 3. Committed Listening – Focusing on our breath to still the chatter in our mind and paying 100% attention to every word the other person is saying, to their facial expressions, body language & tone to feel their feelings and experience their thoughts; to be in their world. 4. Step-Back Process before responding. 5. Leading with Questions, speaking with wondrous curiosity only to ask questions inside of being interested in the other. The leadership journey from Gear 0 to Gear 3 gives us the self-awareness, inner strength and courage to separate our thoughts, emotions and beliefs from who we are. We are no longer our thoughts. We are no longer our emotions. We are no longer our beliefs. We begin to experience the separation and recognize we have thoughts, we have emotions and we have beliefs. It is not 'I am angry' anymore. It becomes 'I have anger.' and therefore anger becomes as easy to drop as changing our clothes. It is in Gear 3, we get the access to communicate powerfully while being in the world of others. We are touched, moved & inspired and touch, move & inspire others through our communication, which soothes and heals. People get attracted by our Being; relate to us as extraordinary; give their unconditional love, gratitude and reverence to us; and we open ourselves fully to receive all the love, gratitude and reverence that surrounds us. Wishing you the joy of the journey. Let it lead you forward. Love, Jyoti. Dear Young Friend, I love your authenticity and the courage to be vulnerable. Having experienced what you are experiencing when I was your age and now at 44, here are my learnings from having travelled some distance: 1. What I focus on grows. For every act by the other gender which hurts, there are many acts which are inspiring. 2. What I fear is what I receive more of from the world. 3. When I choose to be love, gratitude and reverence for all beings, I create a positive environment around me and that creates space for others to lift themselves into their innate positivity. 4. My self-esteem is a function of me and not really what other people do, say or think. 5. It is easier to point fingers at the other gender (I have been guilty of that and still catch myself many a times) but the power is in looking in the mirror as to why we are victims of all that there is. If we spent that energy on increasing our Leadership Depth, become Masters of our Craft, focus on becoming the best in the world in whatever our profession is; we will transform what it means to be a woman at the velocity not known before. Here are some fascinating figures from Doctor Hawkins' 29 years of research on the hidden determinants of human behaviour (as quoted by Dr Wayne Dyer in his book The Power of Intention): 1. One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism and a willingness to be non-judgemental of others, will counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels. 2. One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels. You and I can choose to vibrate with the energy of love and reverence for all of life and counterbalance the negativity of 15,00,000 people around us. You may say this is like putting your head in the sand and wishing the problem away. I understand. There are a couple of ways for us to solve this problem: a. Become a Fighter - Fight with the world at the injustice and fight for change in the world. Unfortunately, with this approach, more things to fight come up and it becomes an endless war with not much change. Fighting the symptoms and not healing the source of the disease will ensure we will keep fighting the symptoms all our life. b. Become a Victim - Give up, moan and groan, feel helpless at the injustice with no access to our own power, creating the energy for more injustice done to us and our sisterhood. c. Become a Peaceful Warrior - Fight the battle with our demons inside instead of with their reflection in the world outside. Sure, honour our intuition and take actions from there. Protect ourself, if there is a need because symptoms need to be cared for too. And yet, simultaneously take on working on the source of the disease. We work on the source by learning, growing and evolving to the next level of what it means to be a human being, journeying from the evolutionary Fear towards transcendent Love; exponentially increasing our performance, productivity, effectiveness, innovation and creativity to be the best in our profession, contributing to humanity through our work. When we do this, we will have it all - deeply fulfilling successful, prosperity and abundance creating career; loving harmonious relationships, happy responsible kids with their Genius joyfully expressed; lots of nourishing, nurturing me-time; while making making a difference in the world. Inside of this transformation, each being experiences the power to lift themselves to their highest self. This requires Leadership Depth. This requires a new way of Being within a new model of Leadership; inside of which we nourish, strengthen and transform all the four bodies of our Being (Physical, Intellectual / Mental, Emotional, Spiritual) by letting go of limiting habits in each body and taking on growth habits. I invite you to be a Peaceful Warrior. I invite all beings to be Peaceful Warriors to create a Brave New World leading our species forward to its next phase of evolution - from fear-based Survival of the Fittest to love-sourced Transformation to Our Highest Self. Wishing you a lifetime of optimism, childlike trust and faith in the Universe and Humanity, love, success and abundance. Stay blessed. Love, Jyoti. |
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