AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
This is a story from the middle-east. A band of men got together to search for a great master of their times, who could help them to reach enlightenment. They hired a servant, R, to support them through their arduous journey through the cruel desert. R took care of them with so much love, cooked food for them, kept the caravans and their camping site clean, cracked jokes to make them laugh. The men had a great time together and their travel through the tough terrain seemed more like fun. One day, R, suddenly vanished. Somehow, he took the energy of the group with him. The men seemed to get tired a lot more, the journey suddenly became extremely difficult and unbearable to continue with. Slowly, their purpose lost meaning and the group disintegrated. As they were winding up their travels, they decided to find out who and where R was before they said goodbye to each other. They really had grown very fond of him and missed him a lot. And, they discovered to their utter disbelief and angst, R was the great Master they were searching for. This story is really the story of leadership. A leader holds the group together, takes loving care of his team, is of service to his people, gives meaning and purpose to the journey, makes the journey fun and easy. His team don't relate to him as The Boss, but as a trusted loving caring parent. Wishing you inner strength and courage to be this kind of Gear 5 Leader. Only in being this, will you fulfil the purpose of your existence and your having been on this earth make the real difference that it is meant to make. Love, Jyoti.
Agility of Mind is a fundamental leadership muscle, which essentially is about being bigger than your mind and moods. It is developed when one takes on the challenge of learning and excelling in a new sport, a new creative art form, reading books not normally read, not eating the desert when that is your favourite part of the meal, skipping your regular daily drink at the end of the day, eating salad & fruits when you would rather eat junk food, exercising instead of hitting the snooze button. The question well may be - why stress yourself, why not take it easy, why not be compassionate to oneself? Couple of reasons - 1. It increases your creativity and productivity. 2. You become a super-ager functioning with extremely high levels (academically, professionally, and physically) well into your eighties. 3. The above two give you a great life with you experiencing higher levels of energy, well-being and happiness. This year; I picked up golf, hindustani classical and gave up sugar to ensure I am still coaching with even more passion, enthusiastically doing the crazy roller-coasters screaming all the way up & down and joyously singing the national anthem at the top of my voice in a cinema hall; right into my nineties. What about you? Love, Jyoti. #leadership Further Reference: This experiment was done in Ontario, Canada. The scientists took college graduates and divided them into two groups based on their emotional state. Group A had graduates who were happy, cheerful, joyful. Group B had graduates who were sad, angry, depressed, cynical, resigned, upset. Both groups were given Grade 1 Maths worksheets to complete within a time limit. Group A finished early with no mistakes, while Group B didn't finish on time and had lots of mistakes. The conclusion of the experiment was that the brain shuts down during low emotional state and runs sub-optimally. Meaning when we choose to be in a low emotional state; we cut ourselves from innovation, creativity and hence, effectiveness. Therefore, the first step to increase effectiveness is to be aware of our emotions and then to consciously choose the emotions that would serve us. This is easier said than done. It requires massive shift in consciousness by transforming our default limiting mental, emotional and physical habits. Most times, we put our real emotions under the carpet to avoid confronting them and cover them to up with a false bravado that seems like the real thing. Our journey to our highest self starts at first seeing ourselves in the mirror in total authenticity and vulnerability. Love, Jyoti. I was angry because someone pushed me. In anger, I screamed at children because they were being children - romping up and down. In anger, I gave up on my belief that life mattered, that I mattered. Life seemed like a lie, a big farce; I seemed like a lie, a big farce. In that, I lost faith in my intentions and dreams. I became purposeless. I stopped believing in my values, making my life hopeless.
I shouted at the Universe - You are a lie, I don't believe in you. In that utter pain, angst and sorrow, I died. And then, I was born again. I realized I caused someone to push me. It was not my fault, just that I was responsible because it happened to me. I took responsibility of not inspiring reverence for me, by not being reverence. I took responsibility of not living my word of being love. I took responsibility of causing pain to children and for taking away their power to live with joy and purpose. I took responsibility for life and me being a lie, a farce. In that, I made a new promise to be love, gratitude, reverence, integrity and mastery; irrespective of the chaos inside or outside. Suddenly, childlike trust and faith came back; heart became joyful; mind became peaceful, body became soothed, rested and refreshed. And, life began to work. Love, Jyoti. I was in Dubai recently for a vacation. In all the taxis that we travelled in, the restaurants we ate in, the theme parks we went to; people who worked there spoke about living away from family, working long hours, money - yes, life - no.
No nation can truly progress when its people (even if they are migrant) live without the joy of being with their family, their children. What would it take for UAE to make it economically viable for the organizations and these workers to bring their families along with them? Happy people living in the experience of their loved ones give greater performance, productivity and profitability. I came back from Dubai and asked myself how I may be contributing to people living without the joy of being with their families. I realized my housekeeper who works 13 hours a day at our home had only 1 day off in a month, leaving her very little time to be with her little ones. I wasn't even present to it before I went off to Dubai. See, I am at the source of what's happening out in the world; just as each one of us is. So, I gave her every Sunday off and increased her salary. I am in deep gratitude for having figured out how I was contributing to the pain in Dubai and be given the abundance to do something about it. Love, Jyoti. There are 360 degrees to look at something. With every degree shift as you move to another point; your view changes, you see something different.
Communication fails and inside of that life fails; when I believe only my point of view is valid, and views from other 355 points are wrong. Even when you believe something that is completely opposite of what I believe, I display Agility of Mind if I can spin my mind 180 degrees to stand in the point you are standing in and look at the world from your point. When I see what you are seeing, then I will feel the pain you are feeling and can have nothing else but deep love & reverence for you. Only then, will I communicate in your world and have 100% of my intentions fulfilled with velocity. Wishing you Agility of Mind giving you the inner strength to realize your greatest dreams in deepest communion with your highest self. Love, Jyoti. Our life is like a white-board fully scribbled upon with the past; with no space to create the future. We keep re-living the past over and over again, like a robot on a fixed program creating the same ineffective results.
If you think you are successful, you are not even present to how much more success that is waiting for you to make your own. Covering up the fully scribbled white-board with a veneer of external power and excitement doesn't help because we still feel hollow inside, if we only stopped and stood still to really listen instead of rushing from activity to activity busy being busy to avoid the emptiness. One of the best books that I have read to help cleaning up to break free from the past is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Btw, this human condition has huge relevance to organisations on account of its direct impact on productivity, performance and profitability. Check out The Three Laws of Performance by Dave Logan & Steve Zaffran to really understand and apply the learnings in your life and in your organisation. Wishing you deep fulfilment as you travel the journey of life experiencing the blissful joy of awareness and creation. Love, Jyoti. There is a Blue Ocean for every business waiting to be found, a need not served where you can have the monopoly. Go for that instead of fighting in the Red Ocean of bloody waters and being one amongst many.
Find your niche; in that you will know your purpose of life and an opportunity to make a difference. Discover your purpose of life; in that you will find your niche and an opportunity to be of service. It is when you are everything to everyone in order to earn money that your business continues to limp along to the tune of mediocrity. It is when you decide to commit yourself to a specific community; deepen your understanding of their needs, problems, issues; and work to solve those through your business; does your business truly flourish and create unimagined wealth as a by-product. Your business is an opportunity for you to transform the world and leave your footprints in the sand of time. Love, Jyoti. It took me five months of practising my golf swing, under the hawk-eye of my coach, to finally experience effortlessness today. It's still conscious effort with inconsistent results.
Mastery is unconscious competence, when your muscle memory automatically leads you and you allow yourself to be used by the game. Business and all other areas of our wheel of life are just like that. You have to earn effortlessness. And, there is total joy and bliss to work your way upto there. What's amusing is that when we begin swinging and see the ball of life not fly off, we choose to be heart-broken experiencing ourselves as failures. Hello, it takes a lot of practise consistently over a period of time, along with guidance and mentoring from someone who believes in your dreams more than you do, to get that ball to fly off a long distance. The real fun is in the practise, if you go beyond the original mental and physical resistance of exerting yourself. Isn't it more exciting to read the book than be done with it? Enjoy your journey. Love, Jyoti. What is the definition of a parent? A parent supports her children to realize their greatest dreams in deepest communion with their highest self.
What is the definition of a coach? A coach supports her coachees to realize their greatest dreams in deepest communion with their highest self. What is the definition of a leader? If the leader is truly looking for great performance from her team, then the leader is someone who supports her team members to realize their greatest dreams in deepest communion with their highest self. Therefore, the role of a parent is to be a leader and a coach to her children; the role of a coach is to be a parent and a leader to her coachees; the role of a leader is to be a parent and a coach to her team members for her team to create breakthrough results in a space of joy and deep fulfilment at work. Also, 1. To raise happy and responsible kids, a parent will learn leadership and coaching skills. 2. The mom will increase her leadership depth to have it all - deeply fulfilling successful career, joyful relationships, happy responsible kids and lots of nourishing me-time; so that the children can learn how to have it all. 3. As the mom increases her leadership depth, she will have the power to create an equal relationship with her spouse and support each one of the family members to be a happy home-maker along with her. 4. A leader will lead from the heart, giving her unconditional love and acceptance to her employees, relating to them as extraordinary, inspiring them to perform at their highest levels from their hearts; accelerating her organization on an exponential upward trajectory of profitability, excellence and success. 5. The workplace will be a place of acknowledgement, gratitude and reverence. Then, we would together transform and evolve to the next level of what it means to be a human. For this transformation, the only person that needs to take action is the person you see in the mirror. Love, Jyoti. |
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