AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
Start of the year is a wonderful time to step out of the speeding train of Life to reflect on whether the train is speeding in the direction that we want it to. Imagine breathing your last and realising that your train of Life took you to the destination at the end of your Life’s journey that you didn’t want to be at. It’s so easy to get distracted from what one is committed to create, what one’s deepest desires are, what one is truly inspired with by getting sucked into the emotional melodrama of life. It is just too easy to get lost in the chaos outside and in the chaos inside that the real purpose of living gets submerged in trivia. What could be our Pole Star which would keep guiding us forward moment by moment, hold us true to our purpose, our highest intentions, our beautiful dreams that our moment by moment actions are sourced from there? Today, I want to share a tool with you for that. Having worked for many years coaching my clients to transform their impossible, unimaginable, BIG dreams into joyous reality besides seeing the realisation of my own dreams, let me coach you today to use that tool to create your best year ever. The tool is simply called a ONE-PAGER. Though before you step forward to write your one-pager, I would like you to write your 5-year Dream Lifestyle. The best place to write your dream lifestyle is in a beautiful green space where you can hang your worries, fears, limiting thoughts, limiting feelings of scarcity, lack, resignation, cynicism and the like on a nearby tree. Empty of everything that is pulling you down, let your heart take over and pour itself out on a A-4 sheet as to what it SEES you doing in 5-years time, how are you FEELING in 5-years time, what do you HEAR from your environment in 5-years time, what have you created in all the 5 areas of your wheel of life - deeply fulfilling successful prosperity-creating career, loving harmonious relationships, happy responsible kids with their genius joyfully expressed, nourishing nurturing me-time and making a difference. You know you are writing it the right way, if your heart fills up with joy, eyes shine like stars, love spreads throughout your body - love for yourself and the Universe around you. Having created your Dream Lifestyle, pick up another A4 sheet to create your one-pager for this year. Your one-pager will have six parts to it: 1. My Personal Inner Commitment: In this part, write down what your personal inner commitment is in this lifetime. My personal inner commitment is to be the world’s best CEO Coach. Write it in the present tense as in - I am the world’s best CEO Coach. The reason I am able to make a difference to my clients is because I believe in my personal inner commitment. It has me say the things to my clients that no one else in their life would ever say to them, it has me require of them to look themselves in the mirror that people in their life would not have the courage to ask them, it make me love them so much that it doesn’t matter to me if they love me or not so that my work with them is not sourced in seeking their love, appreciation and approval but sourced in my clients discovering how powerful they are, finding the courage to go to places they are scared of, take actions they have been resisting for years to live their greatest life. What is your personal inner commitment? 2. My Strengths: In this section, you write down your strengths to remind yourself of just how powerful you are. My strengths are - Joy of Learning, Childlike Trust and Faith, Commitment to be the Best, Perseverance, Will Power. However life is at any moment, all I have to do is to remind myself of my strengths to get back to my path with greater energy, passion and enthusiasm. What are your strengths? 3. My Values: In this section, write down your values. Your values are the internal source of your power. This is who you are committed to be, irrespective of how the people in your life are or are not, what they do or do not do, what they say or do not say. Your values brings the remote control of your life directly in your hands. It no longer matters what happens or doesn’t happen, it only matters who you have committed to be. My values are love, gratitude, reverence, integrity, mastery, joy, gentleness, abundance. For sure, I fall off this path numerous times but this is the navigator that I keep coming back to, every time I get off the path. This is why, I have progressed further in my life than I would have. What are your values? 4. My Dream Statement for the Year: This is in brief what outcomes I am committed to create in the current year in all the 5 areas of my wheel of life, using my 5-year Dream Lifestyle as my guide. What is your dream for this year that you are committed to realise? 5. My Top 5 Outcome Goals for the Year: These are my SMART outcome goals for the year - one for each area of my wheel of life. SMART as in - Specific, Measurable, I believe the goals are Achievable, I believe the goals are Realistic and Time-bound (which is by year-end). What are your top 5 outcome goals? 6. My Top 10 Process Goals for the Year: Outcomes are never in our hands. Outcomes are merely defined to identify the inputs to work on. Once the outcomes / intentions / dreams are defined, release them to the Universe and bring your focus to the present moment to work on the input side of things. Professionally, my outcome goal for the year is to make a difference to x number of CEOs and business owners. My identified inputs for this is to make a massive difference to my current clients, read the masters of my field 3 hours a day, publish an article every single working day to contribute to my customer community, gift a session for my community to learn, grow and expand on the outside and on the inside irrespective of the fact whether they are my clients or not as yet. For some, a session may be all that they need at this moment because they are not ready as yet to move forward. Others may be ready now for a longer journey to realise their greatest dreams in deepest communion with their highest self and live their dream lifestyle now. What are your top 10 outcome goals for the year? Now your Pole Star is ready to guide you forward for you to experience the joy of the journey, for you to come home to yourself. Writing your one-pager is just the beginning. Daily read your one-pager 3 times a day - as soon as you wake up, just immediately after your meditation, before sleeping - to guide your daily actions. What would add greater power to this process would be to create a mastermind group of people who are seeking significance, impact, contribution, being of service, personal mastery (business excellence, leadership depth, craft mastery) instead of success, fame and wealth because success, fame and wealth are the by-products of a life-journey of personal mastery and making a difference. What would support even greater acceleration is to also find a coach for yourself who is willing to fearlessly coach you to find your barriers inside ongoingly and hold the space for your greatness to unfold and blossom. That’s the nature of barriers. They are always inside though their reflections are always visible on the outside. That's also the nature of personal greatness. It needs someone to hold a space for it. Keep realising your greatest dreams in deepest communion with your highest self and have it all. Love, Jyoti.
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