AuthorCEO Coach |
July 2024
AuthorCEO Coach |
July 2024
Let's first understand that time is a created concept. It did not exist when we were hunters and gatherers, in the beginning of our evolutionary cycle. As we progressed, along with other inventions to make our lives simpler, time was also invented. Time doesn't have a physical reality as you cannot hold it, taste it, touch it, hear it, smell it or see it. Therefore, time is not real. It is something that we create. Then, the question is not why there is not enough time to do all that I want to do. The real question is why am I not creating all the time that I need, to do all that I want to do? When you ask yourself that question, you will end up facing a reality that you have been avoiding by hiding behind the wrong question. The reason why we don't create time for what we think we want is the truth, hidden beneath many layers, that we don't really want to do it. You may belligerently shout at the top of your voice - What nonsense? All I am saying is you have been running around from moment to moment, busy being busy and whatever you have done hasn't helped you to create time. Why not listen to what I have to say and consider it just for the time you read this article? Consider that the reason you don't have time to do all that you say you want to do is because you don't really want to do it and you hide that fact from yourself to avoid doing it. Play along with me for a while. Bring with you vulnerability and courage to be authentic to your own self. Make a list of all that you want to do and haven't as yet found the time to do. Against each item, ask yourself the following questions. When you ask yourself these questions, make a conscious effort to still the jabbering monkey-mind by focussing your attention on your breathing, as it comes out and as it goes in, as it comes out and as it goes in, as it comes out and as it goes in. 1. What would be available to me if I did what I haven't found the time to do? 2. If this is important to me, why am I not doing it? 3. What is my fear? Do this exercise in your journal by writing down the answers to each of these questions against every item you say you want to do and yet haven't found the time to do; from the list you wrote at the beginning of this exercise. If you really do this exercise with stillness in your mind and body, you will get present to fears buried deep inside. The only way forward is to drop the fear by working with all your four bodies of your Being - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. When you drop the fear, you will suddenly create time on your calendar to do that for which you had no time before. Yes, the fear is real. I know you will feel it in your body if you pay enough attention to it. What's the point of ignoring it, keeping it under the carpet? It will not vanish by you not looking at it. It will only cause further and greater pain, the more you allow it to remain underground. Once you see it, I also know you will soon have all the data-points to tell me why you need to hold on to your fear. Why not focus on why you need to let it go? When you do that; you will fly into light, into freedom, into the vast open sky of limitless existence. The most important step is to recognize that the fear exists. It is the first step without which you cannot move forward. This is Nature's way to support us to grow and evolve, which is the reason each one of us is born - to be bigger than who we were when we took our first breath on this planet. The best part is the unfolding of your productivity, performance, effectiveness, aliveness and fulfilment not experienced before; as you progress on this journey. Wishing you courage to walk the path to your highest self and live in the expression of your Light, your Genius because that's who you really are. You may be cynical and resigned about Life and about yourself, or may say you are just being practical. I know you are extraordinary, having studied masters and understood the science of what it takes to realize your greatest dreams in deepest communion with your highest self and have it all. Nobody is born a Genius. Each of the Geniuses have used their lifetime to uncover the light inside which each one of us has; with the single-pointed focus on making it happen and taking action in that direction - day in, day out. The human being; who keeps walking undeterred, persistently like the tortoise, step at a time; is the one who finds gold at the end of the journey. The one who is more a show-horse than a plough-horse gets side-tracked like the rabbit, loses the game and misses to find the treasure; though it is there waiting to be found. Love, Jyoti.
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