AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
AuthorCEO Coach |
December 2024
We are born and then we die. In the magnificent eternity of Life which has no end and no beginning, a human existence is like a grain of sand in the vast stretches of the beach. Why are you born? Why are you born to your specific parents? Why are you born in the country that you are born in? Why do you have the roller-coaster of experiences as you journey through your specific lifetime, only to be buried under the ground or burnt on a funeral pyre; forgotten forever after a point even by those who loved you the most. To what purpose? For all you know, I may be dead in the very next moment. Then, why spend my life huffing and puffing away to get that next promotion, vent out my rage on the driver or anyone who cuts me short, walk past the housekeeping staff as if he doesn't exist, walk around feeling sad / mad / bad / glad; as if I have an eternity to live? And, how the hell is all this related to leading your organization from good to great? Well, there is a method to this apparent randomness of the Universe. Sure, mine is a view from a point. As you put reality at the centre-point of a sphere, you can see there literally millions of points to stand on the sphere to look at the reality placed at the centre. From every different point, you have a completely different view. Absolutely, all views are valid even if they are contradictory because at 180 degree, for sure you will see two different views altogether. You can keep pulling each other's hair till death do you apart to vehemently and righteously prove your point of view, your belief, your view of the world as RIGHT and that the other person got it completely WRONG. I am right and you are wrong. All the mess in the world, in organizations, in families is only a function of lack of Leadership Depth where people have not trained themselves to have Agility of Mind to have a 360 degree view of reality. Another question arises, if there are million views of the same reality; then which point should we stand in. The only point to stand in is that point of view which gives you the power to create your life and realize your greatest dreams in deepest communion with your highest self. The reason I wandered off to another topic is to assert that whatever I am putting forth is only a view from a point. Stand where I am standing, only if it makes a difference to you, gives you access to your Power to Create. Before continuing the inquiry, let's step back to define what is Personal Mastery. Personal Mastery is the first step to be the Greatest Version of your own self to Have It All: i. Deeply fulfilling, successful, profitable business supporting us to live our purpose of life; gifting us with impact, contribution and financial freedom and ii. Loving, harmonious, positive, uplifting relationships at work and at home and iii. Happy, healthy, responsible kids with their genius joyfully expressed and iv. Nourishing, nurturing ourselves to the highest level of health, fitness and joyous well-being - physically, energetically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and v. Making a massive difference through the work we do If you are a human being, you will wistfully hope for it. And, if you are a senior leader; you will scoff at it, masking the cynicism and resignation lying buried deep inside. You see, one of the reason people don't have it all is because people don't expect to. Therefore, they don't even play for it. In my coaching, shifting this limited view of life is the toughest part of my job. Everything else is a piece of cake. You see, where is the proof you can have it all. Who can stand tall and say, I have it all? There are just no role-models. I myself am a work-in-progress. Though, by believing this was possible, I played along and created a whole new world for myself; creating fun, fulfilment and freedom in all of these five areas of my wheel of life. Indra Nooyi's video went viral in which she said women cannot have it all. My response is that men also don't have it all and equally suffer; maybe more so because most times, they are not even present to it till it is too late. My question is Law of Gravity existed even before someone discovered it; Law of Relativity existed even before somebody explained it to the world. Who says Law of Having It All doesn't exist just because all you see on media and the world around you is an absence of it? Everything in the Universe is so perfect, the human body's design, the flora and fauna and all you see in the Nature around you. Having It All is really perfect, then why should it not be available to human beings? It is just that it is very difficult to create. The fact is it cannot be created in the current Leadership Model which doesn't even believe in its existence. Would you be willing to make Having It All the purpose of your life, your destiny? Is this goal worth striving for? Are you willing to put your heart, mind, body. energy and spirit in the game to reach this destination? If yes, then read on. Else, you can skip to read news that tells you what all is wrong with our world. You need Personal Mastery to 1. to begin the journey to Have It All 2. Shift all your Limiting Habits in all your five bodies (Energy, Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual) of your Being into Growth Habits 3. Shift into another Leadership Model which is values-based (Love, Gratitude, Reverence, Integrity, Mastery) rather than remain stuck in the old Leadership Model of doing whatever it takes to get the next promotion and make more money. 4. Recognise that it takes a combination of Leadership Depth, Business Excellence and Craft Mastery to lead your organization from good to great. 5. Live a purposeful life rather than a robotic, monotonous existence being busy being busy. Since Having It All is a worthy goal (otherwise, you wouldn't have read till here if you didn't agree); then obviously Personal Mastery is your goal; because that is the input that is needed to Have It All. There are five stages of transformation in the New Leadership Model, based on the integration of all that I have studied and trained myself on the five bodies of our Being (Physical, Energy, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual), Business, Leadership, various transformation modalities and coaching methodologies: 1. Gear 1 - Personal Mastery 2. Gear 2 - Relationship Mastery 3. Gear 3 - Business Mastery 4. Gear 4 - Leadership Mastery 5. Gear 5 - Life Mastery Leadership Depth is an inner journey of personal transformation to our Highest Self in the New Leadership Model and the fifth stage of this journey is Life Mastery. Jim Collins in his published study of Good to Great organizations based on his massive research shares that Level 5 Leaders are the foundational construct for organizations to cut over from good to great. The problem is that the old Leadership Model (sourced in Fear) can take people from Level 1 to Level 4; but there is no pathway to go to Level 5 because it does not belong to that model. In the new Leadership Model, Level 4 Leaders (High Performers) start at Gear 0 Consciousness (Survival / Fear / Scarcity Consciousness) and we work our way up to Gear 5 Consciousness (Thrival / Love / Abundance Consciousness), one Gear at a time. In my subsequent blogs, we will deep dive into each of the five Leadership Gears (five Stages of Transformation as above) and discuss in detail what does it take to reach there. Believe in your greatness. That's why you were born - to live in the expression of your Greatness, to give yourself the permission to let your Light shine through, to have it all. It is not the good luck of few but the destiny of each human being. Loving you, j.
Dr.Ashok kumar singh
29/6/2018 08:53:31 am
These views are to be deeply inculcated at younger age of human being so that as they grow,transform themselves for a longer period of time towards the happy journey of life.
29/6/2018 10:56:14 pm
I didn't get it somehow , need more interaction on this
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